Candidate for the position of Diversity and Inclusion Officer

Image for Abbie Leacy

Abbie Leacy

I believe I am suitable for this position as I have worked with people with disabilities, different backgrounds, and people that have faced many challenges throughout life. As a Diversity and Inclusion Officer I believe a number of things could be addressed in the college as of today. Firstly, I want to push for more access points for people with disabilities or for people who may have injuries requiring assistance. I recognise that there are already numerous ramps and lifts in place already throughout the campus. However, there are still some places that a person with a wheelchair or crutches cannot access. 

Secondly, I feel that the Safe Space beside the library on the ground floor is nowhere near sufficient for people who, for whatever reason, are anxious and need a safe and quiet environment to calm down and relax. It is more commonly used for studying instead of its intended purpose and there is need for a new, proper space, preferably in a seperate area with a much quieter environment. The current area is simply not suitable.

Next, I believe that the Student Union recreational area needs a second room for people looking for a more relaxed and quieter experience. There is nothing wrong with the current space but it can become very noisy and rowdy and for some people this can be overwhelming and anxiety inducing. I will push for a second, quieter area that is much more suitable for people who may not enjoy the atmosphere of the downstairs area.

To conclude, I believe these changes would make a huge impact on the college life of all students, especially those who may be struggling with certain issues that could have a major impact if those facilities are not available to them. Not only this, but it would make my job as the Diversity and Inclusion Officer much easier if I had these facilities to help assist them.